My name is Paul. I am retired. In my retirement I like to sit, read stuff I had no time to read before, write short stories and poems and just think a bit. I have led a varied life, from growing up in a small city on the Mississippi River, to becoming a monk for a few years, to being drafted in the Army, to getting an advanced degree, to having a practice. I have worked on a farm and in a factory. I have been a therapist, consultant and even an expert witness in a murder trial. I was married and raised a family. My wife died of illness over ten years ago and I retired, not because I was bored, but because I did not feel my mind and memory were as quick as they used to be. It would be unfair to my clients. I have met many unusual and interesting people and my poetry and stories reflect these experiences. So join me if you will, enjoy what you read and critique my work or just write. I will answer as best I can. If you really want to get in touch with me, you can reach me at Please put poetry in Subject box so we know it is about the poems. Otherwise, it probably won't be opened.