Sunday, April 26, 2009

Visiting the Doctor

I am sure most of you who are older have had this experience.

Medical Test

Have you ever been in between
with nowhere to move
knowing the way
afraid to go.

Time stands still
like a movie in pause.
It has to continue
to know what will happen,
your life in its hands.

You talk to your mind.
"Stop that worry!
Don't obsess,
creating images, fantasies,
nothing more until you have the facts.
You have to take that test."

As slowly as icicles melt
on a cold winter day
warmed ever so slightly
by a winter sun,
time moves again.
You are afraid.

Nobody knows.
The results will bring
either relief or pain.

Friday, April 24, 2009

More Poems

I have not been keeping this blog up to date. My writing has bent to another area. But I am back today. The poems I am leaving are short and occurred when I was in a hospital room in a place far from home. I hope you enjoy them.

Little Brown Mouse

A little brown mouse came scurrying in
singing to God a little hymn.
Bringing with it a little joy
to a sad and lonely day.

I wondered why that liitle mouse
entered into my troubled life.
Did she enter to spread some cheer
to move my fearful thoughts
away to places of hope so dear?

Then I wondered all the more,
Why was I here in this place of woe?
Did I do something so very bad
that punishment was needed to change my path?

The hymn she sang was one of love.
The tune was light
lifting my spirits high above.
Then I knew why I was here
to learn how a little mouse
can spread in a troubled life
the cheer needed to survive.


On a lonely day in a lonely place
I sat down to a meal.
There I met a gentleman
whose smile drew me like a bright tune.

The man was old, hearing impaired,
intelligent, wise and quick of mind.
I knew he lived a long long life
I listened as he spoke.

He told of a life of grief and good times
of fear and facing death in war
when he was a youth.
He talked of the loss of his first wife
and a child, a boy so dear.
There were other children who lost their way,
the hurt caused furrows above his eyes.
He praised his present wife of many years
who cared for him so well.

He spoke about his accomplishments,
the pride was in his voice,
of working steadily all his life
of loyalty, what was right.
He didn't understand where
all these values have disappeared.

But most of all he talked about
a little dog he loved
small enough to fit his lap
and snuggle under his arm.
His pleasure brightened the dreary room

And then we talked of facing death,
of being tired of holding on.
The fear and strange attraction death brings
as age creaps up our spine.
Some small things that holds us here,
keeps us hanging to a thread
such as a little dog, whose love
gives such cherished need.
